Academic Enrichment
An education at School of the Incarnation is so much more than just what happens in the classrooms! From field trips and service projects to Arts Alive and Career Day, academic enrichment opportunities abound for our students at all grade levels. These activities broaden students' expand the horizons of our young learners by exposing them to new topics or developing existing interests. By forging connections between what is taught in the classroom and real-world experiential activities, enrichment activities have the power to strengthen cognitive connections and increase students' motivation to learn.
Below is a partial list of the types of activities offered to students in the last several years.
35 Clubs, Activities and Sports
Arts and Music
Liturgy, Prayer Experiences and Retreats
Service Projects
Terrapin Adoption - National Aquarium
STEM Activities
Baltimore Zoo school visit
Cultural Presentations
Arts Alive
Science Fair
Terrapin Adventures Team-Building Retreat
Field Day
Spelling Bee
Geography Bee
PI Day Contest
Faculty-Student Basketball Games
Christmas Around the World
Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition
Junior Achievement "JA in a Day"