Liturgy & Sacraments
At least once each month, students attend Catholic Mass celebrated by one or more of our Pastors in Marian Hall. Each Mass is assigned to a grade level which allows students help to plan the liturgical services. The children are involved in all aspects of the Mass - procession, readings, intercessions, music, and altar serving. Students who have not yet received their first Holy Communion and non-Catholic students still share in the Mass and are invited to come forward during the Eucharistic rite to receive a blessing from the priest or Eucharistic minister.
Education about and remote preparation for sacraments occurs at school within Religion class. However, the "immediate" preparation for sacraments occurs at each student's parish. Most students will make their first Holy Communion in the spring of their 2nd Grade year. 2nd grade students are invited to dress in their First Holy Communion outfit or dress attire for our May Mass, as they share in the Eucharist for the first time with their school community.