Thank you for your interest in service to our school community and for your commitment to children and youth.  All those who wish to work or volunteer in our school must be volunteer certified. 

With our longstanding commitment in mind, all parishes and Archdiocesan Catholic Schools use VIRTUS, a compliance management system that allows all parishes and schools to facilitate compliance with Archdiocesan child protection requirements for all volunteers who work with minors, employees, and clergy.

To begin or continue the certification process, please visit

To become driver-certified (which is in addition to the volunteer certification above), please email Lisa Hanson at the email listed below to begin the process.

For a summary of instructions to navigate the VIRTUS online certification, please click here.

Reference Form

For questions related to volunteer certification, please contact:

Lisa Hanson, Volunteer Screening Coordinator
Phone: 410.519.2285, ext. 2114
Email: [email protected]